Thursday, November 10, 2011

Me? My Own City? Very Well

How easy is it to say that any of us could create an entire system of government?  Many people believe this  idea to be true.  But once we look at the specifics, what once seemed like a simple adventure turns into an impossible mission.   It is still harder to create the sort of economy that would enable people to have the best chances at life.  However, there are a few undeniable ideas that are essential to have the best society possible.
The first virtue that is needed in order to create a stable society is to have the free reign of producers and consumers.  If the people are not free to do what they believe is best, the entire economy would collapse.  By having the freedom to own land and other physical things, people will have the ability as well as want to gain more.  Some might argue that this is greed.  In a sense, it is, but not in the horrible way most people view the word.  Greed in this case means self-interest.  If there was no self-interest, nobody would feel the need or want to do better.  By freeing up the marketplace, the people are free to make decisions of how best to spend and use their money, create inventions that make life easier, and this in turn helps the economy.
The government should have little to no influence in the economy.  As soon as they begin to step in, the people will then begin to believe that they have to power, and therefore should not even try to do better.  Many people, consumers and producers alike appreciate the idea of a price floor or ceiling.  All these do is help destroy the economy.  With a price floor, the price of any given object cannot be less than the given amount.  This completely take away those people who cannot afford to buy those items at the price floor.  The price ceiling works much in the same way, but in this turn, it is the sellers that are hurt rather than the buyers.
The availability of technology is what has made the American lifestyle possible.  What is it that makes our life what it is?  That question is easily answered by asking who came up with the idea for anything.  Someone who felt that they had the answer in them to solve a problem in our society.  By inventing something and then selling it to the people, the inventor became an entrepreneur.  They are the backbone. Without them, we would not have advanced as much as we have.  THere are many nations where the economy is not a free one, rather, entrepreneurs are forbidden.  If they are not allowed, it become increasingly harder for anyone to have the encouragement to do better.  If it will all be taken away from them to support the greed (the bad kind) of the government, there is no point to make things better.
In ordre for an economy to be successful, it is important to have property rights, the right to invent, or become an entrepreneur, and to keep the government out of the economy as much as is possible.  There is indeed an invisible hand that leads all to work in the self-interest of others in order to become as successful as possible.  If people are given that freedom, they will prove that we are all born with the light of Christ and strive to be better and help others in need.

1 comment:

  1. Great essay! You incorporated the readings and gave three points. I love your last sentence!
